Construction of models of all sizes for foundries, designers, kinematics as well as the energy, nautical and automotive sectors

We produce functional prototypes and serve all requirements pertaining to cad and traditional modelling

Industrial models in wood, resin and aluminium, in small medium and large sizes

3 and 5 axis cad-cam production systems


This is the first sector to adopt CAD-CAM technology.

Today, on the strength of twenty years of experience, we create models of all kinds for this sector - but that is not all …

We also make:

  • checking gauges

Examples of our work

Checking gauge for vehicle roof lining

Checking gauge for vehicle roof lining

Model for the creation of the electric vehicle front rotational mould

Model for the creation of the electric vehicle front rotational mould

Checking gauge for CNC milling

Checking gauge for CNC milling

Checking gauge for vehicle roof lining, with cast aluminium base

Checking gauge for vehicle roof lining, with cast aluminium base